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United States Department of the Interior (DOI)
15.001 1971 (B): Transferred to 11.405
15.002 1971 (B): Transferred to 11.406
15.003 1971 (B): Transferred to 11.407
15.004 1971 (B): Transferred to 11.410
15.005 1971 (B): Transferred to 11.409
15.006 1971 (B): Transferred to 11.412
15.007 1971 (B): Transferred to 11.413
15.008 1971 (B): Transferred to 11.414
15.009 1971 (B): Transferred to 11.415
15.010 1971 (B): Transferred to 11.416
15.011 Experienced Services Program
15.012 Outdoor Schools in National Parks
15.013 Alaska Native Science and Engineering
15.014 Supporting the Lower Mississippi Delta Initiative
15.015 Good Neighbor Authority
15.016 Experienced Services Program
15.017 Eastern Nevada Conservation, Recreation and Development
15.018 Energy Community Revitalization Program (ECRP)
15.019 Experienced Services
15.020 Aid To Tribal Governments
15.021 Consolidated Tribal Government
15.022 Tribal Self-Governance
15.023 2001 (B): Archived
15.024 Indian Self-Determination Contract Support
15.025 Services to Indian Children, Elderly and Families
15.026 Indian Adult Education
15.027 Assistance to Tribally Controlled Community Colleges and Universities
15.028 Tribally Controlled Community College Endowments
15.029 Tribal Courts
15.030 Indian Law Enforcement
15.031 Indian Community Fire Protection
15.032 Indian Economic Development
15.033 Road Maintenance Indian Roads
15.034 Agriculture on Indian Lands
15.035 Forestry on Indian Lands
15.036 Indian Rights Protection
15.037 Water Resources on Indian Lands
15.038 Minerals and Mining on Indian Lands
15.039 1997 (B): Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Programs on Indian Lands
15.040 Real Estate Programs Indian Lands
15.041 Environmental Management Indian
15.042 Indian School Equalization
15.043 Indian Child and Family Education
15.044 Indian Schools Student Transportation
15.045 2013: Archived
15.046 Administrative Cost Grants for Indian Schools
15.047 Indian Education Facilities, Operations, and Maintenance
15.048 Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities Operations and Maintenance
15.049 1997 (B): Irrigation Operations and Maintenance on Indian Lands
15.050 1997 (B): Unresolved Indian Hunting and Fishing Rights
15.051 Endangered Species on Indian Lands
15.052 Litigation Support for Indian Rights
15.053 Attorney Fees Indian Rights
15.054 1999 (B): Archived
15.055 2009: Archived
15.056 1999 (B): Consolidated into 15.041
15.057 Navajo-Hopi Indian Settlement
15.058 Indian Post Secondary Schools
15.059 Indian Graduate Student Scholarships
15.060 Indian Vocational Training United Tribes Technical College
15.061 Indian Job Placement United Sioux Tribes Development Corporation
15.062 Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools
15.063 Improvement and Repair of Indian Detention Facilities
15.064 2010: Archived
15.065 Safety of Dams on Indian Lands
15.066 Tribal Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
15.067 Strengthening Tribal Nations
15.068 Native Hawaiian Community Guest Stewardship
15.069 Zoonotic Disease Initiative
15.070 Experienced Services Program
15.071 Pacific Northwest and Hawaiian Islands Arts
15.072 USGS Experienced Services Program
15.073 Earth Mapping Resources Initiative
15.074 Small Surface Water and Groundwater Storage Projects
15.075 Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement
15.076 Musselshell-Judith Rural Water System
15.077 Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, or Replacement of Carey Act Dams
15.078 Snow Water Supply Forecasting
15.079 Experienced Services Program (ESP)
15.088 Department of Interior Wildfire Management - Preparedness
15.089 DOI - HQ Experienced Services Program
15.098 Native Hawaiian Climate Resilience Program
15.099 Abandoned Hardrock Mine Reclamation (AHMR/AML) Grants
15.100 1978 (B): Archived
15.101 1978 (B): Archived
15.102 1978 (B): Archived
15.103 1999 (B): Consolidated into 15.113
15.104 1974 (B): Archived
15.105 1978 (B): Archived
15.106 1978 (B): Archived
15.107 1981 (U): Archived
15.108 Indian Employment Assistance
15.109 1978 (B): Archived
15.110 1978 (B): Archived
15.111 1978 (B): Archived
15.112 1978 (B): Archived
15.113 Indian Social Services Welfare Assistance
15.114 Indian Education Higher Education Grant
15.115 1978 (B): Consolidated into 15.141
15.116 1978 (B): Consolidated into 15.141
15.117 1979 (U1): Archived
15.118 1978 (B): Archived
15.119 1978 (B): Archived
15.120 1978 (B): Archived
15.121 1978 (B): Archived
15.122 1978 (B): Archived
15.123 1993 (B): Archived
15.124 Indian Loans Economic Development
15.125 1978 (B): Archived
15.126 1978 (B): Archived
15.127 1978 (B): Archived
15.128 1978 (B): Archived
15.129 1978 (B): Archived
15.130 Indian Education Assistance to Schools
15.131 1978 (B): Archived
15.132 1978 (B): Archived
15.133 Native American Business Development Institute
15.134 1974 (B): Incorporated into 15.102
15.135 1978 (B): Archived
15.136 1978 (B): Archived
15.137 1978 (B): Archived
15.138 1978 (B): Archived
15.139 1978 (B): Archived
15.140 1978 (B): Archived
15.141 Indian Housing Assistance
15.142 1996 (U): Archived
15.143 1996 (U): Archived
15.144 Indian Child Welfare Act Title II Grants
15.145 1997 (B): Archived
15.146 Ironworker Training
15.147 Tribal Courts Trust Reform Initiative
15.148 Tribal Energy Development Capacity Grants
15.149 FOCUS on Student Achievement
15.150 Juvenile Detention Education
15.151 Education Enhancements
15.152 Land Buy-Back For Tribal Nations
15.153 Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief ? Coastal Resiliency Grants.
15.154 21st Century Conservation Service Corps
15.155 Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians, Field Operations
15.156 Tribal Climate Resilience
15.158 DOI National Fire Plan
15.159 Cultural Resources Management
15.160 BIA Wildland Urban Interface Community Fire Assistance
15.161 Native Language Immersion Grant
15.162 Tiwahe Housing
15.163 Tribal Education Departments
15.164 Land Acquisition Funding Program
15.165 Tribal Electrification Program
15.200 1979 (B): Archived
15.201 1977 (U): Archived
15.202 1979 (B): Archived
15.203 1979 (B): Archived
15.204 1971 (B): Split into 15.209, 15.211
15.205 1977 (B): Archived
15.206 1983 (B): Archived
15.207 1983 (B): Archived
15.208 1979 (B): Archived
15.209 1972 (B): Archived
15.210 1973 (B): Archived
15.211 1977 (B): Archived
15.212 1979 (B): Archived
15.213 1977 (B): Archived
15.214 Non-Sale Disposals of Mineral Material
15.215 1983 (B): Archived
15.217 1985 (B): Archived
15.218 1985 (B): Archived
15.219 1995 (B): Archived
15.220 1983 (B): Archived
15.221 1994 (B): Archived
15.222 Cooperative Inspection Agreements with States and Tribes
15.223 1994 (B): Split into 15.224, 15.225
15.224 Cultural and Paleontological Resources Management
15.225 Recreation and Visitor Services
15.226 Payments in Lieu of Taxes
15.227 Distribution of Receipts to State and Local Governments
15.228 BLM Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program Activities
15.229 Wild Horse and Burro Resource Management
15.230 Invasive and Noxious Plant Management
15.231 Fish, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Resource Management
15.232 Joint Fire Science Program
15.233 Forest and Woodlands Resource Management
15.234 Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination
15.235 Southern Nevada Public Land Management
15.236 Environmental Quality and Protection
15.237 Rangeland Resource Management
15.238 Challenge Cost Share
15.239 Management Initiatives
15.240 Helium Resource Management
15.241 Indian Self-Determination Act Contracts, Grants and Cooperative Agreements
15.242 National Fire Plan - Rural Fire Assistance
15.243 Youth Conservation Opportunities on Public Lands
15.244 Aquatics Resources Management
15.245 Plant Conservation and Restoration Management
15.246 Threatened and Endangered Species
15.247 Wildlife Resource Management
15.248 National Landscape Conservation System
15.250 Regulation of Surface Coal Mining and Surface Effects of Underground Coal Mining
15.251 1981 (U): Archived
15.252 Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation (AMLR)
15.253 Not-for-Profit AMD Reclamation
15.254 OSM/VISTA AmeriCorps
15.255 Science and Technology Projects Related to Coal Mining and Reclamation
15.256 Passive Treatment Protection Program (PTPP)
15.260 Joint Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Economic Development Pilot
15.300 1973 (U): Number changed to 15.350
15.301 1979 (B): Archived
15.302 1973 (U): Number changed to 15.351
15.303 1975 (U): Archived
15.304 1979 (B): Archived
15.305 1973 (U): Number changed to 15.352
15.306 1975 (U): Archived
15.307 1975 (B): Transferred to 24.034
15.308 1995 (B): Archived
15.350 1978 (B): Transferred to 17.600
15.351 1978 (B): Transferred to 17.601
15.352 1978 (B): Transferred to 17.602
15.400 1981 (B): Number changed to 15.916
15.401 1974 (B): Incorporated into 15.400
15.402 1981 (B): Number changed to 15.917
15.403 1981 (B): Number changed to 15.918
15.405 1981 (B): Number changed to 15.910
15.406 National Park Service Centennial Challenge
15.407 Keweenaw National Historical Park (NHP) Preservation Grants
15.408 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Renewable Energy
15.410 1982 (B): Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record
15.411 1981 (B): Number changed to 15.904
15.412 1980 (B): Archived
15.413 1980 (U1): Incorporated into 15.410
15.414 1981 (B): Number changed to 15.912
15.415 1981 (B): Number changed to 15.915
15.416 1981 (B): Number changed to 15.914
15.417 1981 (B): Number changed to 15.919
15.418 1980 (U1): Incorporated into 15.402
15.419 1980 (U1): Incorporated into 15.402
15.420 1980 (U1): Incorporated into 15.402
15.421 Alaska Coastal Marine Institute
15.422 Louisiana State University (LSU) Coastal Marine Institute (CMI)
15.423 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Environmental Studies (ES)
15.424 Marine Minerals Activities
15.425 Offshore Research Technology Center (OTRC) Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES)
15.426 2013: Archived
15.427 Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management State and Tribal Coordination
15.428 Marine Gas Hydrate Research Activities
15.429 State Select
15.430 8(g) State Coastal Zone
15.431 Alaska Settlement Agreement
15.432 California Refuge Account
15.433 Flood Control Act Lands
15.434 Geothermal Resources
15.435 GoMESA
15.436 Late Disbursement Interest
15.437 Minerals Leasing Act
15.438 National Forest Acquired Lands
15.439 National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska
15.440 South Half of the Red River
15.441 Safety and Environmental Research and Data Collection for Offshore Energy and Mineral Activities
15.442 Alaska Native Science and Engineering
15.443 Not For Profit
15.444 Take Pride
15.500 1971 (B): Archived
15.501 1994 (U): Archived
15.502 1994 (U): Archived
15.503 1994 (U): Archived
15.504 Water Recycling and Desalination Construction Programs
15.505 1984 (U): Archived
15.506 Water Desalination Research and Development
15.507 WaterSMART (Sustain and Manage America’s Resources for Tomorrow)
15.508 Providing Water to At-Risk Natural Desert Terminal Lakes
15.509 Title II, Colorado River Basin Salinity Control
15.510 Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement Act
15.511 Cultural Resources Management
15.512 Central Valley Improvement Act, Title XXXIV
15.513 2014: Archived
15.514 Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief
15.515 2010: Archived
15.516 Fort Peck Reservation Rural Water System
15.517 Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
15.518 Garrison Diversion Unit
15.519 Indian Tribal Water Resources Development, Management, and Protection
15.520 Lewis and Clark Rural Water System
15.521 Lower Rio Grande Valley Water Resources Conservation and Improvement
15.522 Mni Wiconi Rural Water Supply Project
15.523 2012: Archived
15.524 Recreation Resources Management
15.525 Rocky Boy's/North Central Montana Regional Water System
15.526 San Gabriel Basin Restoration
15.527 San Luis Unit, Central Valley
15.528 2013: Archived
15.529 Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins Endangered Fish Recovery
15.530 Water Conservation Field Services (WCFS)
15.531 Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement (YRBWE)
15.532 Central Valley, Trinity River Division, Trinity River Fish and Wildlife Management
15.533 California Water Security and Environmental Enhancement
15.534 Miscellaneous Public Law 93-638 Contracts, Grants, and Cooperative Agreements
15.535 Upper Colorado River Basin Fish and Wildlife Mitigation
15.536 2012: Archived
15.537 Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative
15.538 Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation
15.539 Equus Beds Division Acquifer Storage Recharge
15.540 Lake Mead/Las Vegas Wash
15.541 Colorado River Basin Act of 1968
15.542 Arizona Water Settlement Act of 2004
15.543 Lake Tahoe Regional Wetlands Development
15.544 Platte River Recovery Implementation
15.545 Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin, Riverside-Corona Feeder
15.546 Youth Conservation
15.547 2013: Archived
15.548 Reclamation Rural Water Supply
15.549 Integrated Regional Water Plan for the Central Valley of California
15.550 FISH-ABLE Fun with Reclamation
15.551 Madera Water Supply Enhancement Project
15.552 Navajo-Gallup Water Supply
15.553 Eastern New Mexico Rural Water System
15.554 Cooperative Watershed Management
15.555 San Joaquin River Restoration
15.556 Crow Tribe Water Rights Settlement
15.557 Applied Science Grants
15.558 White Mountain Apache Tribe Rural Water System
15.559 New Mexico Rio Grande Basin Pueblos Irrigation Infrastructure
15.560 SECURE Water Act – Research Agreements
15.561 Savage Rapids Pumping Plant Project
15.562 Dixie Valley Water Export Study
15.563 Suisun Marsh Preservation Agreement
15.564 Central Valley Project Conservation
15.565 Implementation of the Taos Pueblo Indian water rights settlement
15.566 Upper Klamath Basin Water Supply Alignment
15.567 Colorado River System Conservation Pilot
15.569 Educational Outreach
15.570 Bay-Delta Restoration Program
15.571 Salton Sea Program
15.572 Agricultural Water Use Efficiency Program
15.573 Temperature Control Devices at Folsom Dam
15.574 Water Storage Enhancement
15.575 Lower Colorado River Basin Conservation and Efficiency Program
15.576 Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Phase III (Yakima Basin Integrated Plan)
15.577 Domestic Water Supply Projects
15.580 Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Program
15.600 1996 (B): Archived
15.601 1986 (B): Transferred to 10.213
15.602 2009: Archived
15.603 1986 (U): Archived
15.604 1994 (B): Consolidated into 15.975, 15.976
15.605 Sport Fish Restoration
15.606 1994 (B): Consolidated into 15.975, 15.976
15.607 1995 (B): Archived
15.608 Fish and Aquatic Conservation - Aquatic Invasive Species
15.609 1983 (U): Archived
15.610 1994 (B): Consolidated into 15.975, 15.976
15.611 Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education and Safety
15.612 1995 (B): Archived
15.613 1983 (U): Archived
15.614 Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration
15.615 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund
15.616 Clean Vessel Act
15.617 1994 (B): Wildlife Conservation and Appreciation
15.618 2001 (B): Archived
15.619 Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund
15.620 African Elephant Conservation Fund
15.621 Asian Elephant Conservation Fund
15.622 Sportfishing and Boating Safety Act
15.623 North American Wetlands Conservation Fund
15.625 Wildlife Conservation and Restoration
15.626 Enhanced Hunter Education and Safety
15.628 Multistate Conservation Grant
15.629 Great Ape Conservation Fund - Africa
15.630 Coastal
15.631 Partners for Fish and Wildlife
15.633 Landowner Incentive
15.634 State Wildlife Grants
15.635 Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation
15.636 Alaska Subsistence Management
15.637 Migratory Bird Joint Ventures
15.638 2009: Archived
15.639 Tribal Wildlife Grants
15.640 Latin America and Caribbean Regional
15.641 Wildlife Without Borders-Mexico
15.642 Challenge Cost Share
15.643 Alaska Migratory Bird Co-Management Council
15.645 Marine Turtle Conservation Fund
15.647 Migratory Bird Conservation
15.648 Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA)
15.649 Service Training and Technical Assistance (Generic Training)
15.650 Research Grants (Generic)
15.651 Central Africa Regional
15.652 Invasive Species
15.653 National Outreach and Communication
15.654 National Wildlife Refuge System Enhancements
15.655 Migratory Bird Monitoring, Assessment and Conservation
15.656 Recovery Act Funds - Habitat Enhancement, Restoration and Improvement.
15.657 Endangered Species Recovery Implementation
15.658 Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration
15.659 National Wildlife Refuge Fund
15.660 Candidate Species Conservation
15.661 Lower Snake River Compensation Plan
15.662 Great Lakes Restoration
15.663 NFWF-USFWS Conservation Partnership
15.664 Fish and Wildlife Coordination and Assistance
15.665 National Wetlands Inventory
15.666 Endangered Species Conservation-Wolf Livestock Loss Compensation and Prevention
15.667 Highlands Conservation
15.668 Coastal Impact Assistance
15.669 Cooperative Landscape Conservation
15.670 Adaptive Science
15.671 Yukon River Salmon Research and Management Assistance
15.672 Wildlife Without Borders ? Amphibians in Decline
15.674 National Fire Plan-Wildland Urban Interface Community Fire Assistance
15.675 2013: Archived
15.676 Youth Engagement, Education, and Employment
15.677 Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Activities-FWS
15.678 Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units
15.679 Combating Wildlife Trafficking
15.680 Mexican Wolf Recovery
15.681 Cooperative Agriculture
15.682 Experienced Services
15.683 Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance
15.684 White-nose Syndrome National Response Implementation
15.685 National Fish Passage
15.686 National Fish Habitat Partnership
15.687 Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control
15.688 Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act
15.689 Great Ape Conservation Fund-Asia
15.690 Rhinoceros Conservation Fund-Africa
15.700 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.400
15.701 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.401
15.702 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.402
15.703 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.403
15.704 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.404
15.705 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.405
15.706 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.406
15.707 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.407
15.708 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.408
15.709 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.409
15.710 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.410
15.711 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.411
15.712 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.412
15.713 1971 (B): Transferred to 66.413
15.785 Nicodemus National Historic Site
15.800 1986 (B): Consolidated into 15.808
15.801 1990 (B): Archived
15.802 1982 (B): Archived
15.803 1986 (B): Consolidated into 15.808
15.804 1986 (B): Consolidated into 15.808
15.805 Assistance to State Water Resources Research Institutes
15.806 1996 (B): Archived
15.807 Earthquake Hazards Program Assistance
15.808 U.S. Geological Survey Research and Data Collection
15.809 National Spatial Data Infrastructure Cooperative Agreements Program
15.810 National Cooperative Geologic Mapping
15.812 Cooperative Research Units
15.813 2014: Archived
15.814 National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation
15.815 National Land Remote Sensing Education Outreach and Research
15.816 Minerals Resources External Research Program
15.817 National Geospatial Program: Building The National Map
15.818 Volcano Hazards Program Research and Monitoring
15.819 Energy Cooperatives to Support the National Energy Resources Data System
15.820 National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
15.821 USGS Cooperative Landslide Hazard Mapping and Assessment Program
15.840 Upper Mississippi River System Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program
15.850 Indian Arts and Crafts Development
15.875 Economic, Social, and Political Development of the Territories
15.876 Experienced Services
15.900 1986 (B): Archived
15.901 1971 (B): Transferred/Incorporated into 11.950
15.902 1981 (B): Archived
15.903 1978 (B): Number changed to 15.410
15.904 Historic Preservation Fund Grants-In-Aid
15.905 1971 (B): Archived
15.906 1980 (B): Number changed to 15.418
15.907 1980 (B): Number changed to 15.419
15.908 1978 (B): Number changed to 15.412
15.909 1996 (B): Archived
15.910 2008: Deleted
15.911 1980 (B): Number changed to 15.420
15.912 National Historic Landmark
15.913 1978 (B): Number changed to 15.415
15.915 Technical Preservation Services
15.916 Outdoor Recreation Acquisition, Development and Planning
15.917 1984 (U): Archived
15.919 2005: Deleted
15.920 1987 (B): Archived
15.921 Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance
15.922 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
15.923 National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
15.924 1997 (U): Historically Black Colleges and Universities Preservation Initiative
15.925 National Maritime Heritage Grants
15.926 American Battlefield Protection
15.928 Battlefield Land Acquisition Grants
15.929 Save America's Treasures
15.930 Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network
15.931 Youth and Veteran Organizations Conservation Activities
15.932 Preservation of Historic Structures on the Campuses of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
15.933 Preservation of Japanese American Confinement Sites
15.934 Abandoned Mine Hazard Mitigation
15.935 National Trails System Projects
15.936 Shenandoah Valley Battlefields National Historic District Battlefield Acquisition and Protection
15.938 Boston African-American National Historic Site
15.939 Heritage Partnership
15.940 New Bedford Whaling National Historic Park Cooperative Management
15.941 Mississippi National River and Recreation Area State and Local Assistance
15.942 Environmental Outreach and Conservation - North Cascades
15.943 Challenge Cost Share
15.944 Natural Resource Stewardship
15.945 Cooperative Research and Training Programs – Resources of the National Park System
15.946 Cultural Resources Management
15.947 Boston Harbor Islands Partnership
15.948 National Fire Plan-Wildland Urban Interface Community Fire Assistance
15.949 National Fire Plan - Rural Fire Assistance
15.950 1983 (B): Number changed to 15.505
15.951 1984 (B): Number changed to 15.805
15.952 1983 (B): Archived
15.953 1983 (B): Archived
15.954 National Park Service Conservation, Protection, Outreach, and Education
15.955 Martin Luther King Junior National Historic Site and Preservation District
15.956 Cooperative Management of Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve.
15.957 Emergency Supplemental Historic Preservation Fund
15.958 Route 66 Corridor Preservation
15.959 Education Program Management
15.960 Tribal Technical Colleges
15.961 Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentive
15.962 National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
15.963 Southwest Border Resource Protection Program
15.964 9/11 Memorial Act Grant Program
15.965 Groundwork - Brownfield to Greenspace
15.966 Historic Preservation Fund Grants-in-Aid for Competitive Grants
15.969 National Wildland Fire Management and Natural Resource Training and Workforce Development
15.975 1996 (B): Incorporated into 15.977
15.976 1994 (B): Migratory Bird Banding and Data Analysis
15.977 1998 (B): Consolidated into 15.808
15.978 Upper Mississippi River Restoration Long Term Resource Monitoring
15.980 National Ground-Water Monitoring Network
15.981 Water Use and Data Research
15.982 Radium Remediation at Land-Grant Universities
15.984 NPS Alaska Subsistence Management
15.991 September 11 National Memorial Trail
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